Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Parts of Deepfreeze

This is a part of the deepfreeze program. Note that I'm using diff -ru to generate the differences between the Nth snapshot and today's snapshot. The really nice thing is I account for two things both that the target is different than the current one and that the file is now unique [ie having been deleted since the Nth snapshot was taken]

open(FP,"diff -ru --brief $SOURCE $TARGET 2>/dev/null |");

while (){
s/: /\//g;
#this is if the file that was in TARGET is different than SOURCE
if (/^Files .* and (.*) differ$/){
$tmp = $1;
$tmp =~ s/$TARGET/\./;
print FP2 $tmp,"\n";
#this is if the file no longer lives in SOURCE at all
if (/^Only in ($TARGET.*)\n/){
$tmp = $1;
$tmp =~ s/$TARGET/\./;
print FP2 $tmp,"\n";

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